The World is a Book

I just came accross this poster And I have to agree – I will continue to “read” the world. and I hope you will too. image

September 24. 2002 (Week # 8)

Day 55 Fiji

Again both kids was up at 6:30 AM, and we had breakfast as usual, early!

The weather today was like yesterday, windy and cloudy! We went to the playground and the pool, Mr J. had to do all the “playing” because of Ms T’s foot. She could not risk getting any sand in the wound under her foot! So sad, not to mention boring just sit there and read magazines and books all day! 🙂

Today the kids took turns sleeping on the sun-beds.

After lunch the girls went to the beauty-saloon for Little Ms M. to get her hair braided!



Little Mr M. was really tired after the kids dinner and went to sleep already at 6 PM, and we can’t wait to see when he will wake up tomorrow!





Walking around the resort

Walking around the resort

And walking

And walking

September 23. 2002 (Week # 8)

Day 54

Today it was clouded and windy, we tried the pool, but it was too cold.

We spent the day playing indoors, and tried to get the time to go by quickly – hoping for better weather sometime soon.

At least the Rug Rats opened up and the kids had some playtime at the jumping castle.

Fun at Rug Rats

Fun at Rug Rats

After the adults dinner tonight was a Fijian cultural show. We learned about the early days when the Fijians were actually cannibals, and about the flower they all carry behind their ears. On the left side meaning they are not married and available, on the right side meaning they are married – stay away. And if you see someone having a flower behind both ears it means married but still available! (That was what the man told us… we think he was joking about the last remark…!) They also showed us a lot of handheld weapons. All of them had different purposes towards killing humans… scary!

Fijian cultural evening

Fijian cultural evening

Little Mr M. had a sitter – and of course little Ms M joined us for the dinner and show. (partly sleeping)

Tired and happy girl at the grown ups table

Tired and happy girl at the grown ups table

September 22. 2002 (Week # 8)

Day 53 Fiji

Up up you lazy horse… we were all up and jumping(?) at 7 AM, and went for breakfast at 8, only to find a full breakfast room, so busy and noisy it was not nice! What had happened during the night!

Only a full busload of Australian tourist! And the poolside was also crowded, we had really enjoyed being almost “alone”.

We did go to the pool after breakfast and a change of clothes, but it took us a while to get sun-beds. Today was sunny, but also quite windy.

On our way to the pool

On our way to the pool

He really loved the juice

More Please!

We were trying out a new routine today, taking turns watching the children during nap time. And today was Ms T’s turn staying in the room while they were napping. No problem! Mr J. stayed at the poolside, and enjoyed his book and the sunny weather!

We all meet up for lunch, and played in the playground,

Fun fun fun in the sun

Fun fun fun in the sun

Just relaxing in the sand

I want this kind of playground back home...

I want this kind of playground back home…

One more time...

One more time…

And then we played at the beach again before dinner.

At the beach…

And in the water (with our shoes on)

Building in the sand is always fun

The little island outside the resort

The little island outside the resort

On our way back from the kids dinner Ms T.  cut her foot on some broken glass, and from then on she had to limp on one foot for a few days… Only because we were nice and let the crew pass us on the ramp up from the restaurant. It only shows you, do not walk outside the path!!! At least not when you’re not wearing any shoes.

Tonight again the children played in the RUG RATS, and then the sitter watched little Mr M. while little Ms M. followed us to dinner.

September 21. 2002 (Week # 8)

Day 52 Fiji

A grey day in Fiji

Both kids woke up at 6:30, and we looked out the window at another RAINY day 😦

Another rainy day in Fiji

We decided the girls should take the shuttle bus to Warwick Resort to check the emails, and organize the rental in Australia.

After another early breakfast we wandered around the resort – under roof, and at 10:15 the girls went to Warwick Resort. The guys went back to the room for a nap. Little Mr M. did not feel well at all because of his teething! Poor little one! Since we left Norway August 1st, he has gotten 6 new teeth.

Warwick Resort was okay, nice, fancy but not that personal and family friendly like the Naviti Resort. We checked our e-mails, organised bookings in Australia and went back on the shuttle.

Back at Naviti we were ready for lunch, and then Little Ms M. needed her nap. The guys went to play while Ms T. stayed with Little Ms M. and wrote postcards.

Before dinner we went down to the beach again, and played in the waves. High tide was coming in and we had fun watching as the beach got smaller and smaller…!

Dinner and playtime like yesterday, and the same sitter! Little Ms M. slept like a dog, and Little Ms M. relaxed in the stroller with us in the restaurant and in the lounge watching another local show!

Stormy night

Stormy night


September 20. 2002 (Week # 8)

Day 51 Fiji

Today little Ms M. woke up at 7 (again), and little Mr. M. followed by 7:30, guess we’re back on track! We hope!

We made it to breakfast again at 8, and then back to the playground. For a loooong time. We stayed there until lunch.

After lunch the guys went back to the room for naps, While the girls stayed by the pool. When the guys finally got back and were ready to play, little Ms M. fell asleep on the sun-bed. She had a good rest under her towel!

The kids had their kids-meal buffet and then we went to RUG RATS, the kiddie playroom! Children from 5 and up could come and play by them selves, but the ones under the age of 5 needed supervision. The kids had fun playing with the balls, jumping castle and other foam toys! But only for about 30 minutes, then the “program” for the older children started. But we figured 30 minutes was enough to make them tired enough to go to bed! We had organized for sitter at 8 again, but planned on taking Little Ms M. with us. And it worked perfectly. Little Mr. M. fell asleep once he was put to bed, and Little Ms M followed us to dinner. She sat in the stroller, and fell asleep there….! After dinner we went to the lounge to see the show – but we were too tired to stay, and went back to the room not long after dinner! All the fresh air sure makes you tired!

September 19. 2002 (Week # 8)

Day 50 Fiji

Little Ms M. woke up at 7 AM – normal schedule finally! But for how long? Today we only had breakfast at 8 PM, that’s late!

Kids ready for the pool

We went straight to the poolside after putting on sun-lotion and bathing-suits. We played
and had fun until little Mr M needed his nap around 11 AM.

He had a looooong nap, while Little Ms M. was playing in the pool, and enjoying the sun! When he finally woke up we all went for lunch. After lunch we went down to the beach, the sun had gone hiding again.

We walked for a while before Marcus and Madeleine decided they wanted to play in the water and not just walk alongside it!

Playing and having fun

Playing and having fun

We can bend all the way down

We can bend all the way down

And look how nice and clean we are :-)

And look how nice and clean we are 🙂



They had lots of fun throwing sand and running through the water. They both needed a good bath before dinner and the tub was filled with sand afterwards.

We’d ordered a sitter for 8 PM, hoping to have an evening alone. But little Ms M. did not want to go along with that plan! We had to cancel the sitter, and stayed in the room! Another room-service dinner.

September 18. 2002 (Week # 7)

Day 49 Fiji

Little Ms M. was once again up and ready to go by 4:30 AM, and of course little Mr M. followed at 5:30 AM, so once again we were ready for breakfast at 7:30 AM.

After breakfast we went for the playground, still quite wet from yesterdays rain, but not bad enough for us not to play!

Playground - Yeah No Rain!

Playground – Yeah No Rain!

And we even tried out the pool, Little Mr M. fell asleep on the sun-bed while Little Ms M and Mr J. played in the pool.

We got fresh juice at the pool...

We got fresh juice at the pool…

We stayed out until 11:30 when we went back to the room to change for lunch.

While Little Mr M, had his nap we played hairdresser.

New style

New style

The kids had their dinner together with the other children at 5:30 PM when the restaurant was made up for the kids dinner. The buffet was set on low tables easily reachable for small children. Really nice! Us grown ups stayed with the kids during their dinner. Being able to focus only on the kids – that was nice.

Still feeling a little jet lagged we all went to the room, put the little ones to sleep, and ordered room-service for us grown ups. By 9 PM the whole family was sound asleep!

September 17. 2002 (Week # 7)

Day 48 Fiji

Guess when we woke up today, at 4 AM, it was still raining and the wind was blowing and it was dark outside, very dark. The wind just increased and it rained even more during the early morning hours….

The (rainy) view from our room

The rest of the (rainy) view from our room

We tried to play and have fun in the room until breakfast was served, trying to keep the kids quiet was not easy. They were awake and did not understand why the rest of the resort was still sleeping, even the sun was getting up!

Finally;  we headed for breakfast at 7:30 AM.

After breakfast we went back to the room, were the guys fell asleep…! Well we’d already been up quite a few hours… The girls went to the little store and shopped for postcards, magazines and juice. Then they went to the bar and sat down to read and do some more drawing.

It did not take to long before we were joined by the guys, the cleaning lady had come knocking on the door, so no more sleep for them. We played, bought some cars for the kids to play with and tried to do “fun things” in the rainy weather. And we were ready for lunch at 12:30 PM. The lunch was very good, fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken and rice. What a nice change from McDonalds 😮

After lunch we went to put the kids down for a nap. Little Ms M. was fast asleep within minutes, but not Little Mr. M. It took a while, but finally he also was fast asleep!

We though we knew when it was dinner time for the little ones, but we missed that one by one hour, and all of us ended up in the restaurant for a la carte. Once again we were pleased about the selection and had another nice meal. After dinner we went to the lounge to watch that evening’s entertainment, but it did not take long before we felt ready for bed. And the whole family was sound asleep by 8 PM.

It was still raining…!

September 16. 2002 (Week # 7)

Day 47 Fiji

BULA!! We arrived in Fiji at 5:10 AM local time – September 16 (remember we missed the 15th).

Our plane

Tired and happy to be on ground again. We got all our luggage, two drowsy children and went for the coach that would take us to the resort!

PROBLEM; the company had not heard anything from our resort about us arriving. And they did not have a car/coach ready for us, because of all our luggage they had to call for a minivan, and we had to wait, and wait, and wait. After one and a half hour of waiting in an empty airport we were on our way….! All our luggage, car seats and strollers fitted in the minivan, and we could finally go! This was not a good start! After just a few minutes we had to make a stop for gasoline, the guy driving us to the resort had been called while he was still sleeping, and had not had the time to fill the gasoline tank! Of course we did not mind, after all we really wanted to reach the resort and not stop in the middle of nowhere!

The roads were not the best, but we got to Naviti Resort after more than one and a half hours drive. It looked really nice, the palm trees, the beach, the resort itself… Promising! But not the weather, rain and windy…. hm! We seemed to remember ordering sunshine and warm weather…
It was around 8 AM and they were already serving breakfast, perfect!

Before we could go to our room we were “handcuffed” – they put plastic armbands on us, for us to keep on while we were on the resort. This is our proof of being “all-inclusive-guests”.
Room 105 was waiting for us, first floor, patio with no fence and a million tiny ants… we wanted another room!! They would do so while we went for breakfast, so off we went. Good selection of food, and not to many guest. Nice and quiet!

Mr J. went to help with moving our luggage, while the kids finished their meal. Then we went to see if we could find Mr J. and the luggage, and we did, room 212, second floor, balcony and a nice view of the ocean, and nearby island. Promising!

But this room also had more company than we had arranged for, ants here as well. We had the room sprayed and hoped this would take care of the problem – sorry to say it did not…!

We’re at the beach in Fiji

Wanting to see the resort, we walked around and checked it out.

It was nice, playground, beach, horses, tennis-courts, gym-room, golf, diving, surfing, pool, kids pool, restaurants, lounge, playroom, beauty-saloon and laundry service. What more could one ask for!
The guys went for a nap, while the girls sat in the lounge and did some drawings, and reading. When the guys woke up, we went for lunch, and then it started to rain, and rain…

We had an early night, the children fell asleep at 6 PM, and us grown ups already at 8 PM, it was actually midnight for us. And we had rain and wind the whole night… it was cold! Is this Fiji??? We did not ask for the rain, someone has made a mistake here!